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Marie-Noelle Sbresny

City, Face, Happy

Q+A: Arcida’s Oliver Platt on a potential shift for the German NPL market

German alternative lenders could become competitors of Anglo-Saxon private equity

Nature, Outdoors, Sea

German distress wave: “More of a North Sea swell than a Hawaiian mega breaker”

German financing gap widens but market participants have staying power

City, Architecture, Building

75m sq m of office space in Germany’s largest cities at risk of obsolescence

30%-35% of space could be converted into residential or life-science use, says a new study

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Adult, Male, Man

Industreal appoints new managing director

Nils Mutzke will head the logistics specialist

Architecture, Building, Office Building

Demire to carve out part of its property portfolio

Extraordinary general meeting scheduled for 2 October

Ehret+Klein commits €100m to Cologne city centre projects

The two mixed-use buildings are to be completed by the end of 2026

Sign, Symbol, Road Sign

Albulus receives BaFin licence as credit servicer

New regulation for the secondary credit market requires licence to buy NPLs