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Architecture, Building, Office Building

Blackstone seals mega £2.6bn refi of iQ student platform

Collection of lenders club together to write huge loan

Art, Helmet, Stained Glass

Paying the piper: when does UK REIT debt mature?

Listed sector remains in good shape but smaller REITs face greater challenges

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City, Neighborhood, Urban

Pension fund backs Placefirst with £31m funding deal

Loans secured for build-to-rent schemes in Bolton and Halifax

Architecture, Building, Warehouse

Martley arranges £13m mezzanine financing with Leeds investor

Debt secured by two industrial and social housing properties in Leeds totalling more than 570,000 sq ft

Electronics, Screen, Computer Hardware

Heimstaden issues €97m bond 

Notes will mature in three years

CBRE makes senior European debt hire

Executive director joins Chris Gow’s team

City, Cityscape, Urban

Europe remains most transparent real estate region

Highly transparent countries make significant progress in AI adoption and sustainability